Barbecue at the Garden Patch
Come on out and join us for a barbecue at the Garden Patch (the Saskatoon Food Bank’s garden and urban agriculture initiative) for this month’s potluck. The Garden Patch will provide the burgers/buns, and condiments, some veggie-burgers as well as cups, napkins, forks and plates. Please bring a salad, fruit, or dessert.
Arrival time is 6pm and we will eat at 6:30.
After supper we’ll take a tour of the garden. We’ll get a chance to see the Permasask/Food Bank research plots (where we are comparing the effects of adding compost extract and mycorrhizae inoculant to vegetable plots), as well as a couple of new additions to the Garden Patch – the children’s garden and some wicking beds.
Please RSVP to so we know how many burgers to provide and let us know your dietary preference – beef or veggie burger.
Everyone welcome. We hope to see you there.