Permaculture Saskatchewan October Gathering – Wednesday October 21

The Urban Agriculture Film Screening Series is back this fall,  and Permaculture Saskatchewan is partnering with the Saskatoon Food Council to screen the film Urban Permaculture by Geoff Lawton.

urban ag

In our outdoor urban space, no matter how small, we can reconnect and ‘switch on’, coming to an understanding of the intricate relationship of nature and ecology just outside our kitchen windows.

Are you interested in learning how you can implement permaculture design into your urban garden? Are you interesting in learning more about permaculture and its urban applications?

Please join us on Wednesday October 21st at 7PM for the screening of Urban Permaculture with Geoff Lawton. Refreshments, coffee and snacks will be served.

Wednesday October 21, 2015
Saskatoon Food Bank & Learning Centre – upstairs
Doors open at 6:30 pm
Movie starts at 7:00 pm

Everyone welcome.