Are you dreaming about turning a patch of lawn and dandelion into a vital ecosystem that provides you with fresh food and beauty? Do you have a yard and would love to make some permaculture changes to this summer? Not sure where to start? What to do? How to organize it?
We can help!
You’ll need to be a member of Permaculture Saskatchewan and you must attend three other permablitz’s (it makes the permablitz wheel go round). We’ll connect you to a permaculture designer who will help you turn your vision into reality. You will responsible for gathering the materials needed for the day and we ask that you provide enthusiastic volunteer workers with lunch!
You are a great candidate to host a Permablitz if you:
- have property you are interested in transforming;
- are interested in providing food for yourself and your family;
- require sheet mulching of large areas;
- want fruit/shrub trees planted;
- can attend 3 other Permablitzes (or other event volunteering);
- have time to meet with a designer at least 3 times;
- are, or want to become, a PermaSask member.
You may not be a good candidate if you:
- Desire ornamental landscapes;
- Do not have time to meet with your designer;
- Are not able to gather materials for your permablitz.
We ask that you attend 3 Permablitzes (may volunteer at other events) because we believe in the spirit of reciprocity. But that’s not the only reason!
By attending permablitzes, you:
a) get an idea of what to expect on the day of your blitz
b) learn useful and relevant skills
c) demonstrate the drive needed to maintain your own garden
d) help build community
Still interested? Check out our Host Checklist and Manual (Coming soon!)
Contact Us to let us know you’re interested in hosting a Permablitz!