This month’s meeting features our Annual General Meeting as well as a presentation by PRI Sask member Michelle Hubbard on sustainable agriculture in Cuba.
As usual, doors will open at 6 pm and we’ll share a delicious potluck meal starting at about 6:30.
Our AGM will start at about 7:30 after we’ve cleaned up. Short and sweet, this part of the agenda will take about half an hour. We will share an overview of what we did this past year, a few of our plans for the future, our financial statement and elect our executive.
At about 8 pm Michelle will begin her presentation.
Sustainable Agriculture in Cuba – A Canadian Perspective
In February 2011, Michelle participated in a course on sustainable agriculture in Cuba organized by Canadian and Cuban organizations, including “The Urban Farmer” (run by permaculutralist Rob Berezan, and ACTAF (a national Cuban organization). They visited many farms, including government-supported urban agricultural projects (organoponicos), private, small-scale family farms, research farms, permaculture projects and government agricultural research stations around Western Cuba. Michelle will share some of her slides and experiences with us.
Everyone welcome.
Thursday April 18,2013 –doors open at 6:00pm at the Unitarian Congregation of Saskatoon –213 2nd Street East