The focus of our first potluck and meeting of 2013 will be all about permablitzes. Started in Melbourne, Australia in 2006 these permaculture work bees are an effective and fun way to add or create edible gardens to a yard using permaculture principles.
Are you interested in learning about permaculture or contributing your permaculture know-how? Curious to find out more about what the term “permablitz” refers to? Do you want to become more involved in the community, gain volunteer experience, learn new skills, meet new people, all the while having fun? Then please come out to this potluck and meeting on the 17th.
PRI Sask members Michelle Hubbard, Joanne Blythe and Janna Perry will give you the low-down, including examples of permablitzes that PRI Sask has organized in the past few years, plans for 2013 and an invitation for hosts for future permablitzes.
Hope to see you there on – Thursday January 17,at the Unitarian Centre,213 Second Street East
The doors will be open about 6:00 pm, and we’ll set up and be ready to eat by about 6:30 or so.
After the potluck Michelle, Joanne and Janna will tell us all about permablitzes. Everyone welcome.